Monday, November 18, 2013

Days to Remember

1959 GMC truck
Saturday I tinkered around on a few items that need to be completed.  Later that day it was time to go for a 9 minute drive.  Dad and I jumped in the truck and let her stretch her legs.  We went down an old dirt road when my 9 minutes were up.  I refueled and noticed that the sun was just right and the skies were busy.  This photo was one of several that I thought I'd share.  Sitting in the truck is my Dad age 74.  This road and the land around it use to be farm land.  Several years ago a developer bought it and began to build homes, parks and a retirement facility.  This old road is on the part of land that is still waiting for the infrastructure to be built.  The road is really just an access road, no name or other purpose except to get from one part of the land to another. I love the patina on the truck and the matching trees to the right.  The sky has a hint of things to come similar to the front of Maverick.  And the clouds seem to dovetail into the paint that remains.

This is a day to remember.

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