Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Good Moisturizer (How to Soften the Vinyl Seat)

About a month ago I noticed that the side of the bench seat was starting to crack.  As best I can tell, the seat is original or replaced over twenty years ago.  Either way the vinyl is not soft but not hard either.  It feels dry and you get the sense that over a short period of time the seat will start cracking in several places because of its dryness.  

Of course I did some research and tried to learn about vinyl plastisol.  Basically I wanted to "re-soften" the seat.  I eventually went to my local auto part store and looked for something that would do the job.  

I ended up selecting Meguiar's Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer.  

Honestly I was doubtful that this would do the trick but it was worth a try.  I spent about 30 minutes rubbing in the liquid with a soft cloth twice.  The first immediate result was shiny vinyl.  Then over the next few weeks I really noticed the "softness" of the seat.  

So far my only complaint is that the seat has become slippery.  In fact if I take a fast hard right while driving I can "slide" my wife over to me, that part is not a complaint but a great dating move!

I suspect that over time the slippery part will lessen.  Overall the product did what it advertised and I am pleased.  


Update November 2020:  The seat is no longer slippery like before and has not shown any additional wear.  I will probably reapply again this winter.

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