Deluxe Heater
Blower motor sits on top of the unit above. |
The photos below show before and after shots. The majority of the issue was the fine red dust from the years spent in Gold Country. The mechanical components make it real easy to work with. No plastic to break or rivets to remove, just good old screws and washers.
The dash gauges were next. light bulbs replaced, and a wire wheel to the gauge panel removed all traces of paint. I realize that it does not look original but at this moment it is a real low priority. The left panel in the photo is all cleaned while the right side is still peeling paint. I also replaced the flasher unit and a 9amp fuse. A cleaning of the dash and all interior surfaces was a time consuming task, and not yet complete.
The following are some shots I took that captured some nice features of the truck. I have been asked what camera I use. Its an iPhone 4. I run all my photos for the black border and a few modifications to bring out the detail from shadows in a app called Camera+. The blurred backgrounds are using the focus lock feature on the phone. My favorite is the water temp gauge which reflects the blue sky and green tree.
A good friend also encouraged me to get an authentic 1959 era Oregon license plate. It is a light mint green with dark green numbers. The registration shows December 1960.