Friday, April 25, 2014

Open Doors (Installing Weather Stripping on Doors)

Last Saturday was a gorgeous sunny day.  Plus I received my order from the Truck Stop in Orange, CA.    There were a few things I wanted to take care of, such as weatherstripping around the doors and windows along with fixing the headlight adjusters.  I have also decided to replace the side mirrors only because the support arm had cracked and they were fairly worn with rust.  This was a cosmetic item but I think will offer a nice fresh look to the overall truck.  

1959 GMC truck door1959 GMC truck door rustWell I decided to start with the door weatherstripping.  Its pretty straightforward however after installing the rubber on the first door, I was not sure I had it facing the right way.  If you can imagine a cove molding for a ceiling, I for some reason installed it so that the "cove" would not be flush on the ceiling and wall as a cove should be installed creating a nice smooth transition.  I had already put in the plastic clips and was not excited at having to pull those I decided to go with it.  Bottom line is that it seems to seal and so I repeated it on the second door as well.  
1959 GMC truck door 
1959 GMC truck doorAs we all know the process of doing anything is always longer than you think.  I spent most the time with a wire wheel attached to my drill taking away rust.  Some parts of the truck were so rusted that the plastic clips for the weather stripping were just large holes.  Thankfully it was not to bad.  Also I had to remove a few of the metal clips that hold the rubber in place because they too were rusted out.

 So I found myself taking the doors off to get at the edges and metal clips better.  That process was not too difficult however putting them back on was a challenge.  More so because I was not sure how to adjust each door as I tightened them up.  The good news is that with the new weatherstripping each door now seals up great.  

1959 GMC truck rust 1959 GMC truck rust

1959 GMC truck door removal 1959 GMC truck door removal
1959 GMC truck door removal 1959 GMC truck door removal